Share Your Story: How Project 2025 Impacts You

Project 2025 is a policy agenda written by a conservative think tank and at least 140 former Trump administration officials that aims to drastically reshape our democracy. This plan outlines sweeping changes that could strip away our freedoms and undermine our Constitution. If implemented, Project 2025 would harm millions of Americans’ civil rights and liberties.

We want to know how Project 2025 will affect you. Some of the policies it calls for are:

  • An extreme anti-immigrant approach to our border, and efforts to weaponize the Department of Justice to go after protestors, journalists, and political opponents.
  • Taking a medication used for most abortions off the shelves, allowing states to prevent hospitals from providing abortions to patients in life-threatening emergencies, and even using a law from the 1800s to prosecute abortion providers nationwide.
  • Banning life-saving health care for transgender people, expelling trans people from the military, and wiping away federal prohibitions on discrimination against LGBTQ people.
  • Denying representation and resources to millions, as well as abusing executive power to suppress voting, interfere with elections, and roll back federal progress on voting access.
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Tell Us Your Story

We're eager to hear from you about how Project 2025 might impact your personal freedoms and rights. Share your thoughts on the policies that most concern you, the questions you have, and what you hope to see from organizations working to protect civil liberties.

  • Project 2025 has promised to rollback progress on nearly all civil liberties and civil rights. What is one area of American life where you are most concerned about Project 2025’s impact and why?
  • At the ACLU we’ve been fighting unlawful attempts to curtail our rights for more the 100 years. Where do you want to see the ACLU, and other organizations, focus our resources?
  • Do you identify as a member of a marginalized community? If so, have you identified how Project 2025’s policies may impact your rights?

Please note: This form is not intended as a means of obtaining legal advice or assistance and will not establish an attorney-client relationship. Its purpose is to gather information for advocacy purposes and collect stories that may be used for public education purposes. Please do not include information you would not want shared publicly (e.g., posted online).

ACLU experts have released our own roadmap for defending our rights and freedoms. These memos outline the challenges and opportunities each presidential candidate presents and detail the concrete actions the ACLU will take in response. Learn more at
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