Appalachian Queer Youth Summit 2024 Camper Application

Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2024 Appalachian Queer Youth Summit! Teenagers in West Virginia who are 15 to 19-years-old and who identify as LGBTQ+/come from an LGBTQ+ family are eligible to apply.

This summit will focus on empowering LGBTQ+ youth in the Mountain State and will bring young people together from all corners of West Virginia in a space where they can learn and grow together, and be their authentic selves. Participants will be introduced to LGBTQ community leaders in the state, learn organizing tools and skills, and develop and work together on a project to help the LGBTQ+ community in West Virginia.

The 2024 camp will be held in Morgantown, WV. For security reasons, we will provide the specific location to campers accepted to the 2024 program. We will continue to follow guidelines from the state as well as the CDC and other public health experts related to COVID or other communicable illnesses and will provide updates throughout the process as necessary.

Spaces are limited and we encourage interested applicants to apply as soon as possible, but applications will be accepted until all spaces are full.

If you have further questions, please contact ACLU-WV Community Outreach Director Mollie Kennedy at

* indicates required field

Contact Information
(legal name not required for your application if you go by another name)
Program Agreement

AQYS is both a summer camp and year-round program. Participants can use what they learn at camp with their fellow-participants to carry out a collective action to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ West Virginians throughout the year following camp. This will most often mean attending monthly meetings as well as invitations to relevant events, protests, etc.

Family Information

(If Under 18) Parent/Guardian:

Additional Parent/Guardian:

Education/Job Information
Short Answer Questions:

We suggest short answer responses be about 1-2 paragraphs.

Essay Question:

There is no word limit on your responses. We suggest each long essay response should be approximately one page.


If you are selected, are there any challenges to your participation in the summit that we should know about? (For example, is getting to the summit location a problem? Do you have limited support from family and friends to participate in the summit? Are you afraid that you may be outed by this experience to family, friends, or your school community? We will do our best to accommodate any concerns) Please describe any such concerns in the space below.