2018 Board Elections

This year, six ACLU members have been nominated for six vacancies for three-year terms on the ACLU-VT and ACLUF-VT Boards of Directors.

You may vote online through Friday, September 21, or by paper ballot brought to the ACLU of Vermont’s 2018 Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 22 (see online newsletter for Annual Meeting details: www.acluvt.org/defender). Results will be announced at the annual meeting.

Please cast your votes today.

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Catarina Campbell, Burlington: "I serve as the Director of the SafeSpace Anti-Violence Program, which centers its services on the experiences of LGBTQ+ and HIV-impacted communities through an intersectional lens. Dedicated to grassroots organizing and communal supports, I offer direct services to survivors of violence while also advocating for systemic change at the state and local levels to ensure that the lives of underserved communities are a vital part of legislative conversations and decisions. Serving on the Board of the ACLU offers a meaningful opportunity to serve as a conduit for the communities I love, which include but are not limited to those who are: LGBTQ+, HIV-impacted, people of color, people with disabilities, undocumented and migrant workers, survivors of violence, and working class people. Many of the communities I love feel alienated from our legal system and do not feel protected by the constitution; by joining the ACLU I aspire to do my part in changing that."

Julie Kalish, Norwich: "It is with pleasure that I write to ask for your support in what would be my third and final term serving this wonderful organization. The past two years have been ones of tremendous change, the positive aspects of which have been the transformation of the ACLU-VT. We have more than doubled our staff of talented, inspiring individuals who are doing work and reaching parts of Vermont never before possible. And, as Board President, I have been committed to fostering a Board culture that allows us to be as responsive and supportive as possible in nurturing this vital work. Sadly, in the coming years, we will continue to see attacks on our Constitutional rights and liberties of a type not seen in generations. We must fight as never before to ensure that our ‘Vermont is Different’ promises are real, and can provide models and — one hopes — inspiration to others."

Gabrielle Lucke, White River Junction: "‘Liberty and justice for all’ …I have spent most of my life noting that that statement does not ring true. These words echo for me daily, especially in the current political climate. The opportunity to achieve this goal as part of Vermont’s ACLU chapter is exciting! I currently work as the Senior Training & Development Consultant at Dartmouth College and serve in the Vermont House. I have a BS in social sciences from St. Mary's College of Maryland and MS in counseling from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. I also completed doctoral course work in health education at the University of Maryland College Park. In 2013, I received a diversity management certificate from Cornell University's Industrial Labor Relations School. For over to 30 years, my professional life reflects my commitment to education, particularly higher education. I currently serve on the Board of Directors for Second Growth and the Hartford Dismas House."

David Putter, Panton: "It was my dad who set me on the civil liberties path. Dad explained why men in suits were going through our trash. That life experience impelled me to join a fledgling Vermont ACLU. In 1971, I had my first case as an ACLU-VT volunteer lawyer. In the decades that followed, ACLU VT teamed me with accomplished, unique people, both of like and unlike mind. Our cases spanned a spectrum from equal public education opportunity to police misconduct to welfare rights. I was privileged to be on the team that brought the Brigham case to the Vermont Supreme Court, establishing the right to equitable funding for all Vermont public school students. For 28 years, I served as chair of our Legal Advisory Panel. Three years ago, I joined our Board of Directors. If the members will have me, I would continue to serve in that capacity."

Tony Pyle, Stowe: "I am delighted to have been asked to offer further service to the ACLU as a board member. Shortly after moving to Vermont I worked with the part-time attorney. During the interim between her departure and the hiring of her successor I assisted with the duties of the office and began serving on the Legal Advisory Panel. I have continued to use my 40-plus years of litigation experience to serve the organization. My work with the Board has convinced me that we must keep the ACLU strong and vibrant to protect the rights of all individuals regardless of their viewpoint. It is essential that the ACLU be seen as and acts in the neutral interests of all citizens consistent with the Bill of Rights and the Vermont Constitution."

William Sayre, Bristol: "I believe the ACLU’s work is particularly valuable and important on the following issues. First, its defense of the Fourth Amendment, as to searches without warrants and also, as to the general protection of private information, papers, and communications. Second, its defense of First Amendment protections of free speech, free assembly, and a free press. The genius of our founders was their understanding that if individuals are to be free, the power of government to monitor and control private thoughts and behavior, must be limited carefully. For a free society, a self-governing society, to sustain itself into the future, individual rights must be safeguarded, defended, protected, and celebrated. That is the responsibility of each of us, as individuals, in our daily lives, but also as part of organizations that are guided by the same principles. The ACLU is such an organization, and I am happy to join in its mission."

Your Information


We will verify your voting eligibility and the number of votes for your household (single or joint) using your name(s) and zip code.

Our by-laws provide that only current members of the ACLU are eligible to vote. If you are unsure if you are a current member, please contact us at info@acluvt.org or 802-223-6304 x411 to confirm your membership status. To join or renew, go to: www.acluvt.org

Your Vote


Six ACLU members have been nominated for six vacancies for full three-year terms. Choose up to 6 candidate(s).