Have you been jailed because you couldn’t afford bail?

Have you been jailed because you could not afford money bail? Have you been jailed because you could not pay court fines and fees?

The ACLU of Nebraska is collecting stories from Nebraskans who were held in jail because they could not afford to pay money bail or court imposed fines and fees. These practices are sometimes called “modern day debtors prisons” because they deny people their freedom and liberty while pretrial presumed innocent or after sentencing because they are jailed simply because they cannot afford to pay these amounts of bail, fines, or fees. These practices are suspect under the law and have real negative impacts for individuals, their jobs, their families, and burdens taxpayers while doing little to advance our shared public safety goals.

However, legal and policy research only tell us part of the story. That’s why we need to hear about the lived experiences of Nebraskans caught in this maze of bail, fines, and fees.

If you or your family member has been negatively impacted by bail, fines, and fees because you lack the ability to pay please share your experiences. Your story can help influence important reform efforts and make a positive difference. Please share widely with your networks. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration in helping us with this critical storytelling effort.

* indicates required field

Your Information
Incident Information


This form is not a solicitation or an offer by the ACLU of Nebraska to represent you. We cannot promise you that the information you provide will lead to any specific action on the part of the ACLU of Nebraska.

If you fill out this complaint form, you agree that the ACLU of Nebraska or the national ACLU may use the information you give us, as long as we don't include your name or email address for one or more of the following purposes: 1) Iegislative testimony; 2) Iitigation; 3) contacting a city, state or federal agency; or 4) telling your story to the public, including the media. If the ACLU of Nebraska or the ACLU wants to identify you, we will contact you for permission prior to doing so.

We will keep your name and email confidential unless you give us permission to use it or unless we are ordered to turn it over by a court (although we will attempt to prevent any disclosure).