It's time to end cash bail

Act Now

Nobody should be held in prison simply because they don't have enough money for bail. And yet, under Vermont's bail system, people who can't afford to pay for their release after an arrest are held behind bars to await trial, even for low-level offenses, and even if they do not pose a danger to the community.

S.27, a bill before the Vermont legislature, would end the use of cash bail for people charged with most misdemeanors, and advance a study on how to end cash bail for all crimes. We support this legislation as an important step towards rooting out injustice in our criminal legal system. Contact your representatives today and urge them to advance S.27 today.

Message Recipients:
Your State House Representative

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I am writing to urge you to vote yes on S.27, an act relating to reducing the imposition of cash bail, because is an important step towards rooting out injustice in our criminal legal system. No one should be forced to await their trial from prison simply because they cannot afford to buy their freedom.

Vermont has made tremendous progress on creating a smarter, fairer justice system and bail reform is a critical next step in that process. Please vote yes on S.27.


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