Protect Net Neutrality in Tennessee


Late last year, the Trump Administration, through the Federal Communications Commission, moved to dismantle net neutrality – the system assuring the free flow of information on the Internet.

The Internet is today's public square. Without net neutrality, Internet providers can block, speed up or slow down certain websites. They can choose what content and applications we can access and what privileges some users have over others – whether based on corporate profit or even political views.

Despite the fact that the absence of net neutrality will disproportionately hurt rural areas and small businesses, Governor Haslam has indicated that he will not sign an executive order preserving net neutrality in Tennessee like his colleagues in other states.

However, the Tennessee General Assembly is currently considering three measures that would protect Internet freedom in Tennessee.

SB 2449/HB 2405 introduced by Rep. Dwayne Thompson and Sen. Lee Harris, would create a task force to study the effects of overturning the FCC’s net neutrality rules.

SB 1756/HB 1755, introduced by Rep. John Ray Clemmons and Sen. Lee Harris, would enact the “Tennessee Neutrality and Internet Consumer Protection Act,” which prohibits Internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking lawful content, impairing or degrading Internet traffic based on content, engaging in paid prioritization or preferential treatment of some Internet traffic, unreasonably interfering with customers’ ability to access Internet service or lawful content, and engaging in deceptive or misleading marketing practices that misrepresent the treatment of Internet traffic or content to a customer. The legislation also prohibits government entities from engaging in business with an ISP which does not meet these requirements.

SB 2183/HB 2253, introduced by Rep. John Ray Clemmons and Sen. Lee Harris, which would require any Internet service provider that provides Internet to the state to provide a net neutral Internet service.

A free, open and accessible Internet is vital to our modern democracy.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your state legislators to support net neutrality in Tennessee.

Message Recipients:
Your State Representative
Your State Senator

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Your Message

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Dear Senator/Representative,

I am writing to urge your support for two measures that would protect net neutrality in Tennessee and one that would result in a greater understanding of its importance in our state: SB 2449/HB 2405, SB 1756/HB 1755 and SB 2183/HB 2253.

Please support SB 2449/HB 2405, SB 1756/HB 1755 and SB 2183/HB 2253 when they reach your desk. Thank you.


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