Protect trans people from discrimination in public spaces.

Act Now

HB 1949/SB 2781 criminalizes trans people and people whom another individual assumes is trans for entering restrooms consistent with their gender identity, allows individuals to sue if they feel offended or embarrassed by another person seeing them in a restroom, and criminalizes businesses for adopting inclusive bathroom policies.

It is already illegal to enter a restroom or locker room for the purpose of harming someone or invading someone’s privacy. This bill is not motivated by privacy concerns as its sponsors claim — but by ignorance, misinformation, and politicians trying to fuel division for their own political gain.

Transgender people are part of our community, our families, our workplaces, and our neighborhoods and they, just like everyone else, need to be able to safely access restrooms.

Protect trans people from discrimination in public spaces: urge legislators to oppose and vote NO on HB 1949/SB 2781.

Message Recipients  
State Senators 
State Representatives 

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Dear legislator:

I am writing to ask you to oppose and vote NO on HB 1949/SB 2781.

Please oppose and vote NO on HB 1949/SB 278.


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