Tell Michigan Lawmakers to Protect LGBTQ Rights

Tell Michigan Lawmakers to Amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act Now

Michigan’s LGBTQ+ community’s struggle to ensure equal protection under the state’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) of 1976 has been going on almost as long as the act has been in place.

Now, the decades-long effort to pass a law explicitly stating that ELCRA’s protections include sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression could finally become a reality. Doing so will guarantee all members of the LGBTQ+ community in our state will be protected from discrimination in employment, housing, education, and public accommodations.

Last year, the Michigan Supreme Court, in what was a landmark ruling in Rouch World, LLC v. Department of Civil Rights, cited the precedent set in Bostock when it ruled that ELCRA’s broader protections under state law also extend to LGBTQ+ people.

We can build upon the Supreme Court's ruling to create a more just society. We can secure comprehensive nondiscrimination protections by urging Michigan representatives and senators to pass Senate Bill 4 and House Bill 4003, which would amend ELCRA to explicitly protect sexual orientation and gender identity under Michigan law. Send an urgent message to your state lawmakers now!

Message Recipients:
Michigan House Representatives
Michigan Senators

Tell Michigan lawmakers: Protect LGBTQ rights, Amend ELCRA
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Your Message
Dear State Legislator,

As a voter, while I am celebrating the Michigan Supreme Court's landmark decision in Rouch World, LLC v. Department of Civil Rights, when it ruled that ELCRA’s broader protections under state law also extend to LGBTQ+ people, I urge you, my elected official, to protect rights for LGBTQ+ people in Michigan. Amend Michigan's civil rights laws to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected under state law, by voting yes on Senate Bill 4 and House Bill 4003.

You have the power to amend Michigan's civil rights laws, including the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, to ensure LGBTQ people in Michigan have explicit, comprehensive, statewide protection against discrimination. Please, let's build upon the court's ruling to create a more just Michigan.


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