Tell Michigan Lawmakers to Expand LGBTQ Rights and Protections
Tell Michigan Lawmakers to Amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act Now
The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Aimee Stephens' case, and the combined cases of Don Zarda and Gerald Bostock, is a landmark victory! The ruling upholds the principle that all people should be treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. But the reality is that many LGBTQ people still face harassment and mistreatment in many other areas of life. LGBTQ people of color – particularly Black transgender women – face even higher rates of discrimination and violence.
This is why we must amend Michigan's civil rights laws, including the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA), to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected under state law. Now is the time for the Michigan Legislature to send a clear message that discrimination has no home in our state by passing legislation (House Bill 4688 and Senate Bill 351) to update ELCRA. Doing so would ensure LGBTQ people have explicit, comprehensive, statewide protection against discrimination. It is crucial that our state elected officials act immediately to further protect our LGBTQ communities.
This year, as we honor more than 50 years since the riots against police brutality at Stonewall, let us not forget that Black and Brown trans people started and continue to lead our movements. And still, Black and Brown LGBTQ people continue to experience the most discrimination and violence.
We can build upon the Supreme Court's ruling to create a more just society. We can secure comprehensive nondiscrimination protections by urging Michigan representatives and senators to pass House Bill 4688 and Senate Bill 351, which would amend ELCRA to explicitly protect sexual orientation and gender identity under Michigan law. Send an urgent message to your state lawmakers now!
Message Recipients:
Michigan House Representatives
Michigan Senators