Tell Lawmakers: Thank You for Protecting Abortion Access


Victory! Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed SB 10 into law, removing New Mexico’s dangerous and outdated 1969 abortion ban from our books. This is a critical moment for reproductive rights in New Mexico.

We just sent a strong message that New Mexico respects women’s and pregnant people’s private abortion decisions, guaranteeing that the antiquated abortion ban will never become enforceable.

Send the governor and legislators a thank you for supporting this bill.

Message Recipients: Legislators who supported SB 10 and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham

Abortion is healthcare. Abortion is a right. Abortion access for all.
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Your Message
Use the form to send a message to your legislator.

Thank you for repealing New Mexico’s harmful 1969 abortion ban. Your action recognized that every single member of our community should be respected in their own pregnancy decisions.

Thank you for supporting abortion rights! Together we ensured New Mexico remains a state that respects our pregnancy decisions.


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