STOP SB 293, Ohio’s Released Time for Religious Instruction Mandate

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Senate Bill 293 would require all school districts to adopt a policy allowing for released time for religious instruction (RTRI), a type of program that allows students to be released from school with parental permission for a religious class. Currently, districts are not required to adopt such policies, but SB 293 would impose a statewide mandate on them.

The ACLU of Ohio maintains that these programs, which allow absences only for religious instruction and not for any other purpose (e.g. volunteering at a food pantry or participating in a political protest), already are contrary to the establishment clause of the First Amendment. On top of that, there are serious safety and liability concerns with third party organizations transporting students off school grounds, not to mention the bullying and disruption to the school day some students experience for not participating in an RTRI program. Enacting this statewide mandate would subject every school district to these problems, whether they like it or not.

The bottom line is that the Establishment Clause requires government to be neutral regarding religious beliefs and worship. Forcing school districts to adopt policies allowing RTRI is contrary to that requirement.

TAKE ACTION: Tell members of the Senate Education Committee to reject SB 293..

Message Recipients:
Senate Education Committee

Students and a cross
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Your Message
Dear Ohio Senator,

I urge you to vote NO on SB 293 and respect the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Allow local school districts to decide what is best for their communities. Vote NO on SB 293.


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