Stop Criminal Legal System Rollbacks

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There is talk in Albany of rolling back the progress we’ve made to make our criminal legal system fairer. Critical reforms to our bail and discovery laws as well as legislation that raised the age of criminal responsibility for juveniles could be curtailed.

ADD YOUR NAME: Tell lawmakers don’t put progress on the chopping block.

Message Recipients:
Governor Kathy Hochul
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Your representatives

Stop Criminal Legal System Rollbacks
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Your Message
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I’m writing to demand that you refuse to vote for any bill that would roll back critical reforms to our criminal legal system or that would expand involuntary commitment or Kendra’s Law.

In the last half-decade, lawmakers have passed important bail reforms that brought us closer to the ideal that legally innocent people should not be held in jail because they can’t buy their pre-trial release. They made sure New York did not remain one of only two states that automatically prosecuted 16- and 17-year-olds as adults. And they secured people’s constitutional right to know the evidence against them when they’re accused of a crime.

All of these reforms have made our criminal legal system fairer and more just. They have not made us less safe.

I’m also concerned that lawmakers are considering making it easier for judges to forcibly commit people to psychiatric facilities. There is no evidence this will make anyone safer or lead to fewer crimes committed by people dealing with mental health issues.

I, like all New Yorkers, want to be able to go about my day in safety and security. That’s why you must keep the focus on proven solutions that reduce crime like resources for violence prevention programs, increased mental health services, supportive housing, substance use programs, restorative justice programs, and support for survivors of violence.

Fully funding these solutions should be a top priority, not cutting a last-minute deal that puts criminal legal system progress on the chopping block.


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