Reject House Bill 72: The Death Penalty Repeal Deception Act

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Lawmakers recently introduced Houe Bill 72, a bill that manipulatively interweaves unrelated civil liberties issues – reproductive freedom and capital punishment – to create a deceptive attack on personal autonomy.

This legislation repeals the death penalty while simultaneously restricting your rights. HB 72 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; it would undermine reproductive rights by denying funding for abortion medications, in defiance of the Reproductive Freedom Amendment. The bill also would add additional restrictions on medical aid in dying, or what is commonly called physician-assisted suicide. Proponents of HB 72 insist it does not add new language to Ohio law on these topics—that is not true.

The ACLU of Ohio has emphatically supported repealing Ohio’s broken capital punishment system since its return in 1981, but Ohioans deserve a clean repeal bill without misleading attacks on personal autonomy and abortion access. Moreover, supporting medical aid in dying is a longstanding ACLU principle. HB 72 is a Trojan Horse – not a compromise.

TAKE ACTION: Contact the House Judiciary Committee and urge them to REJECT HB 72.

Dark sky with signs saying Stop HB 72
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Your Message
Dear Ohio Representative,

I urge you to OPPOSE House Bill 72.

I strongly urge you to REJECT HB 72 and advocate for the clean death penalty bill Ohioans deserve


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