Protect Pregnant New Yorkers

Act Now

There is just a short time left in this year’s state legislative session. But so far, lawmakers have failed to pass two critical bills that will improve New York’s inadequate medical leave program and protect the health and privacy of people seeking abortion and other sensitive health care.

TELL LEGISLATORS: Don’t leave Albany before passing these bills.

Message Recipient:
Governor Kathy Hochul
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Your Representatives

Reproductive health care saves lives.
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Your Message
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I’m writing to ask that you pass two critical bills before this year’s legislative session ends. One will improve New York’s inadequate medical leave program and the other will protect the health and privacy of people seeking abortion or other sensitive health care in New York.

- Temporary Disability Insurance

Most New Yorkers do not have the ability to take time off from work to address their own serious health needs – whether to undergo cancer treatments, recover from major injuries or illnesses, or to prevent or recover from pregnancy or neonatal loss – without risking their job and economic security.

That is because New York’s Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) program, which provides medical leave benefits to New Yorkers who need time off from work to tend to their own health needs, has been capped since 1989 at $170/week and does not include job protection. The TDI legislation (S.2821B-Ramos / A.4053B-Solages) would update and create a sustainable medical leave program that supports New Yorkers caring for their own health.

- Health Data Privacy

Law enforcement in hostile states can often obtain New Yorkers’ electronic health data simply by without setting foot in New York or going before a New York court — all they have to do is go directly to a tech company, like Google, Facebook, or Fitbit. However, these law enforcement officials cannot access information the tech company does not have. The Assembly should follow the Senate’s lead and pass the health data privacy bill (S.158D-Krueger / A.4983C-Rosenthal). This legislation would give New Yorkers control over their electronic health data and make it harder for law enforcement in a hostile state to use those data to prosecute New Yorkers for providing, receiving, or helping another to access health care, including abortion care.

I am counting on you to pass these bills before you leave Albany. You must protect pregnant New Yorkers today.


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