Tell Lawmakers: Pass Paid Family Medical Leave!

Act Now

The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) needs your support to get across the finish line.

This bill would ensure that New Mexicans no longer have to make the heart-wrenching choice between their health, their family, and their financial stability.

PFMLA provides up to 12 weeks of paid leave for various critical life events, such as caring for family members, addressing personal health needs, and supporting victims of domestic or sexual violence. This program is funded by small contributions from both employers and employees, making it accessible to everyone.

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Message Receipients: Lawmakers from both the New Mexico House and Senate

Paid the Paid Family Medical Leave Act! Tell lawmakers to pass HB 6 and SB 3!
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No one should have to choose between their job and caring for a new baby, a sick family member, or their own serious health condition. Please vote yes for New Mexican families on the Paid Family Medical Leave Act (HB 6 and SB 3).

Paid Family and Medical Leave is a necessary addition to ensure the economic strength of New Mexican families. It creates certainty when everything else may seem uncertain. Please vote yes on the Paid Family Medical Leave Act (HB 6 and SB 3).


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