Protect New Jerseyans' Voting Rights Now

Act Now

Voting is the cornerstone of democracy. But all around the country, politicians are trying to make it harder – especially for historically disenfranchised groups. New Jersey has a crucial opportunity to make the Garden State a national leader in protecting and strengthening voting rights.

Send a message to your elected officials and urge them to pass the John R. Lewis Voter Empowerment Act of New Jersey (S3009/A4083) or NJ Voting Rights Act-NJVRA.

Message Recipients:
Your State Senator
Your State Representatives
Governor Murphy
Senate President Nick Scutari
Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin

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Your Message
Use the form to send a message to your legislator.

Voting is the cornerstone of democracy. But all around the country, politicians are trying to make it harder—especially for historically disenfranchised groups. New Jersey lawmakers have a crucial opportunity to make the Garden State a national leader in protecting and strengthening voting rights by passing the John R. Lewis Voter Empowerment Act of New Jersey (S3009/A4083) NJVRA.

At a time when voter suppression and discrimination are on the rise and the federal Voting Rights Act is at risk of further erosion, New Jersey can lead the way in protecting and expanding access to the ballot. The NJVRA will make voting freer and fairer in the Garden State. Our fundamental civil rights and liberties rest on the right to vote. We must protect it now by passing the NJVRA.


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