Support voting rights - oppose HB 1569

Act Now

State lawmakers are discussing a new, unconstitutional voting bill, HB 1569, which would put in place needless barriers to vote in our New Hampshire elections.

The bill would remove some options that people are able to use when registering to vote. Under current law, a person registering to vote that does not have certain documentation can sign a sworn statement at the polls to vote. But HB 1569 would even remove that option – possibly leading to qualified voters getting turned away at the polls and wholly unable to vote.

HB 1569 would also change "voter challenges," which could disqualify certain ballots from being counted at all and would deprive voters of due process in the challenge process.

HB 1569 would impose new, unnecessary burdens on voters. Tell your state senators today that you want them to oppose it!

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Your State Senators

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As your constituent, I urge you to protect voting rights by opposing HB 1569 when it is up for a vote soon.

HB 1569 would be detrimental to the voting rights of Granite Staters – and I urge you to oppose it.


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