Tell Lawmakers: Help get face surveillance regulations over the finish line!

Act Now

Since 2019, the ACLU has led a highly successful campaign to pass sensible and long-overdue legislation to regulate face surveillance technology, which is dangerous and racially biased. In 2022, a bipartisan commission endorsed many of our recommendations, and those recommendations have been turned into a new bill that we strongly support.

Now, we need lawmakers to finish what they started in 2022 and pass this crucial legislation.

Urge your state lawmakers to pass a commonsense face surveillance law!

Please take a moment to personalize the message. Your voice and your reasons for supporting civil liberties matter!

Message Recipients:
Your State Senator
Your State Representatives

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Your Message
Use the form to send a message to your legislator.

As your constituent, I urge you to please pass "An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Special Commission on Facial Recognition Technology" before the end of session.

I’m grateful for the legislature's commitment to this issue. Please finish the job before the close of this session.


[First Name] [Last Name]

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