URGENT: Protect O Cinema & Defend Free Expression

Act Now

The government should never have the power to silence artistic expression or censor history simply because they disagree with the viewpoint being expressed. Yet, the City of Miami Beach is threatening to evict and defund O Cinema over its screening of No Other Land, an Oscar-winning documentary by Israeli and Palestinian filmmakers.

This is government overreach at its worst.

Censorship has no place in a free society. The First Amendment protects our right to tell difficult stories — even when they make those in power uncomfortable. If the City of Miami Beach follows through on its threats, it will set a dangerous precedent that could extend far beyond this one case, threatening artistic and journalistic freedom everywhere.

This is a direct violation of our constitutional rights, and we must act now to stop it.

The government cannot silence history. That’s why we need your urgent support to tell the City of Miami Beach: Stop this attack on free expression. End the threats against O Cinema now!

Send your message below and tell them: The government has no right to decide which stories can be told. Protect the First Amendment and keep O Cinema open.

Message Recipients: Miami Beach City Officials

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Your Message
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Dear Mayor Meiner and Miami Beach City Commissioners,

I am writing to express deep concern about the City of Miami Beach’s threats to withdraw funding and terminate the lease of O Cinema over its screening of the Oscar-winning documentary No Other Land. This is a direct violation of our First Amendment rights and a dangerous act of government censorship.

Artists and filmmakers have the right to document history and share diverse perspectives — whether or not public officials agree with them. The First Amendment exists precisely to prevent those in power from deciding which stories can be told.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie once said, “Stories matter. Many stories matter... Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign, but stories can also be used to empower and to humanize.” The government does not have the right to decide which stories can be told, nor should it use its power to suppress narratives that challenge or inform the public.

Censorship of this kind is undemocratic and unconstitutional. No Other Land is an internationally recognized, award-winning film. The decision to screen it should not be met with threats of eviction or defunding.

I urge you to immediately cease any actions that would punish O Cinema for exercising its right to share diverse perspectives. The role of government is not to suppress speech but to protect the freedoms that define our democracy.

Stand on the right side of history. Protect O Cinema and uphold the First Amendment.


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