Tell Department of Homeland Security Officials to Shut Down Glades Detention Center Now
TAKE ACTION NOW: Contact key Department of Homeland Security officials to take action to Shut Down Glades Detention Center now!
Immigrants in ICE detention sites across the country continue to experience racialized violence, sexual abuse, medical neglect, inhumane treatment, and attacks on their dignity and safety.
The Glades County Detention Center, located in Moore Haven, Florida, is no different. This detention center has a long history of horrific conditions and human rights abuses. From pervasive sexual and medical misconduct to unlawful use of toxic chemicals, the center continues to attack and dehumanize vulnerable people. We need to shut it down immediately.
Recently, over 100 people at the detention site participated in a hunger strike advocating for release, medical care, improved sanitation and sufficient food. Detention center staff racially targeted Black immigrants and threatened them with a noose and death threats.
This is why at least 30 civil rights complaints have been filed on behalf of individuals at Glades in the past year alone, and why eight members of Congress recently sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) calling for the closure of this facility. The Biden Administration and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have the power to terminate their contract with Glades County and end these horrifying abuses. They must take action immediately.