Fight the Backlash to Racial Justice in Schools

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The backlash to the movement for racial justice is upon us and the reactionary forces behind it have set their sights on our classrooms. In the last several months, several states have introduced or passed legislation banning discussion of race or racism in schools. In New York, there are increasing reports of police departments and police unions thwarting efforts by school districts to implement statewide guidelines on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

TAKE ACTION: Tell the State Board of Regents to make sure school districts are promoting inclusive learning environments where truthful information about racism is not censored.

Message Recipient: The New York State Board of Regents

Fight the Backlash to Racial Justice in Schools
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New York State Board of Regents

Earlier this year, the New York State Board of Regents released a Framework on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in New York’s Schools: A Call to Action. I am writing to urge you to make sure school districts across the state embrace this framework.

The backlash to the movement for racial justice is upon us and the reactionary forces behind it have set their sights on our classrooms.

In the last several months, several states have introduced or passed legislation banning discussion of race or racism in schools. In New York, there are increasing reports of police departments and police unions thwarting efforts by school districts to implement the statewide guidelines on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The NYCLU has learned of instances in Long Island, the Hudson Valley, the Capital Region, and the Southern Tier, and there are undoubtedly more.

Police departments and police unions cannot be permitted to decide what is taught in schools. In New York, that is your job.

The Framework is a visionary document that calls on schools to take seriously the impact of systemic racism and to highlight the important role of education in our collective understanding. The guidelines note that “The way we educate new generations of students will shape our nation’s course for years to come."

I am counting on you to ensure that school districts live up to the important principles outlined in the Framework which, if properly implemented, will benefit all of us.


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