Send A Message: Denounce Classroom Censorship in Alabama

Join us in calling on the Alabama Senate and House to vote YES for Senate Bill 180.

SB 180, which was filed by Senator Rodger Smitherman, would mandate inclusive teachings of history and social studies in Alabama public K-12 schools. This bill would require fact-based and historically accurate social studies and history instruction. It would also promote the "inclusion of the history and contributions of minority groups."

SB 180 believes in students' right to learn versus House Bill 7, which seeks to censor certain "divisive" topics in the classroom.

The ACLU of Alabama advocates for the First Amendment protections of the right to share and learn. Classrooms are an important space to learn history, and SB 180 protects the inclusive and fact-based discussion of American history.

Call on lawmakers to denounce classroom censorship in Alabama!
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Support fact-based history teaching in Alabama

Please support Senate Bill 180. This bill addresses the inclusive teaching of history and social studies in public K-12 schools. This bill would require fact-based and historically accurate social studies and history instruction in the state of Alabama.

Alabama students deserve to learn American history in an environment that recognizes the contributions of all people, including the history and contributions of minority groups.

SB 180 is one example of a good bill fighting against legislation that seeks to censor our right to learn. House Bill 7, Anti-Divisive Concepts, has anti-truth motivations that want to censor certain "divisive" concepts.

We must mandate that history be taught based on historical accuracy and facts. This means protecting the classroom as a space for a discussion of history that includes minority contributions.

All Alabamian students deserve an education that centers equality, dignity, and worth.


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