Support LGBTQ+ Students, Stop Forced Outing

Pass the SAFETY Act (AB 1955)

In 2023, at least ten California school districts adopted policies requiring teachers and other school staff to notify parents if a student uses a different name or pronouns at school, even if doing so would put the student’s safety at risk. These forced outing policies targeting trans and nonbinary students violate California’s antidiscrimination and privacy laws.

LGBTQ+ youth and their families – not politicians – deserve to decide on their own terms when and how to have conversations about identity. Young people thrive when they have parental support and feel safe expressing their authentic selves at home, but it can be harmful to force them to do so before they’re ready.

Policies that require outing students without their consent harm everyone – students, parents and guardians, families, and school staff – by unnecessarily putting students at risk and removing opportunities to build trust.

The SAFETY Act (AB 1955) strengthens California law prohibiting school districts from enacting forced outing policies to ensure that ALL students are safe and supported at school.

Tell your state legislator to support LBGTQ+ students by voting YES on AB 1955.

Message Recipients:
Your California Assemblymember

Individual at at Pride Event holding LGBTQ Flag
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I’m writing to urge you to support the SAFETY Act (AB 1955), which strengthens California law prohibiting school districts from adopting policies requiring school staff to out LGBTQ+ students to their parents without their permission.

Schools should provide a safe and supportive environment for all students. Vote YES on AB 1955.


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