Send A Message: Ask Lawmakers to Vote YES on Virtual Parole Presence

Join us in calling on all Alabama Legislators to vote YES on SB157! This bill would allow incarcerated Alabamians to be present virtually for their parole hearings.

Due process is an essential part of our nation’s civil liberties– ALL Alabamians deserve this right.

Send A Message: Ask Lawmakers to Vote YES on Virtual Parole Presence
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Vote YES on Virtual Parole Presence for Incarcerated Alabamians

Please support SB157. Due process is an essential part of our nation’s civil liberties, but Alabama currently does not allow incarcerated people to participate in their own parole hearings. This bill would allow a person who is incarcerated to attend their parole hearing virtually.

Barring incarcerated people from their parole hearings blocks them from being present and participating where decisions are being made about their freedom. Incarcerated people deserve to be present and to be heard at their own parole hearings, not just subject to the decision afterwards. 

I'm asking you to please vote YES on SB157 to allow incarcerated Alabamians to be present virtually for their parole hearings because "justice for all" should truly mean ALL Alabamians.


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