Send A Message: Ask lawmakers to vote YES on the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act

The Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act passed the Alabama House UNANIMOUSLY! Next stop– the Senate! This bill would close the healthcare gap for pregnant Alabamians who deserve early prenatal care. Join us in calling on Alabama lawmakers to vote YES on the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act.

Early pregnancy care saves lives. Let your lawmaker know that Alabama’s pro-life values should extend to quality prenatal and pregnancy care.

Send A Message: Ask lawmakers to vote YES on the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act
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Vote YES on the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act

Please support the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act. This bill would close the healthcare gap for pregnant Alabamians who deserve early prenatal care.

Currently, uninsured pregnant people cannot get Medicaid until their pregnancy is confirmed by a doctor. But getting an appointment with a doctor is next to impossible without insurance. This Catch 22 can significantly delay the care pregnant people desperately need.

Alabama is one of the most dangerous states in the county to be pregnant and give birth in, and for patients with late or no prenatal care, deadly outcomes are even higher. Instituting Presumptive Eligibility through the Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act would reduce risk for maternal and infant death or severe complications by getting patients treated sooner.

The Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act could also save the state money by curbing costly, avoidable medical procedures that arise due to delayed treatment. Receiving pregnancy care in the first trimester can reduce bad outcomes and save millions by diagnosing and treating conditions that may worsen over time without medical attention.

I'm asking you to please vote YES on the he Alabama Maternal Healthcare Act. This life-saving bill ais pro-life, pro-mother, and pro-family. It’s time to close the healthcare gap for pregnant Alabamians.


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