Women's Equality Fund - Honoring Chris Link

In today’s political climate, women’s voices make news, move people to march, and lead our country toward positive change. The ACLU of Ohio promises to continue speaking out to protect the rights of women.

In honor of Chris Link, we are dedicating all of the funds we raise in her name to securing women’s fair treatment in the legal, healthcare, and prison systems.

Together, we will work to safeguard women’s rights as they pertain to gender bias, mass incarceration, prison privatization and voting rights.

For 27 years, Chris Link has served as a vibrant, vocal leader of the ACLU of Ohio. She has shown us what it takes to safeguard and secure our civil liberties. To fight for fairness. To defy prejudice and censorship. Now it is our turn to show our gratitude for all she has done—and to show that we will never back down and never stop working until freedom belongs to all us.

Just fill in the form below to make your tax-deductible contribution.

If you would like to support the ACLU of Ohio in the most efficient way possible, consider making a recurring monthly donation.


The ACLU is comprised of two organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation. Contributions to ACLU foundation are tax-deductible for charitable purposes, while ACLU membership dues are not. [ ? ]

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Minimum payment $10.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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