Patients and Providers: Tell Us Your Story!
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Have you or members of your family been denied reproductive health care or end-of-life services by a religiously based medical facility? The ACLU believes that everyone in Washington has the right to receive health care that is not restricted by the religious beliefs of others. As more and more hospitals merge, the ACLU is concerned that reproductive health care, end-of-life services, and services to LGBT individuals are being limited based on religious views. We are seeking information to better understand the extent of the problem in our state.
The ACLU of Washington would like to hear from patients and providers about your experiences accessing or providing reproductive and end-of-life health services, counseling, and referrals in Washington state. We also would like to hear about any experience of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression in seeking or accessing health care services, counseling, or referrals in Washington state. For examples of services or information that may be restricted or denied please go to
Your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you for sharing your experience!