Second Chance Pledge

In 2021, Delaware became the fifth state to pass laws that meet Clean Slate criteria: automated clearance of eligible records and for eligibility to include arrest records, misdemeanor records, and at least some felony records. These laws provide greater equity, consistency, and cost-effectiveness through a streamlined automated process that applies to all Delaware records eligible for mandatory expungement.

Up to 400,000 people who have a record in Delaware live with limited access to jobs, housing, education, starting a business, or participating fully in social and civic community life. 290,000 of those people are eligible for mandatory expungement. For these individuals, Clean Slate's automated expungement implementation, set to begin in August 2024, can’t come soon enough.

By taking the Second Chances Pledge, you are supporting:

  • The broadest and most robust interpretation of Delaware’s Clean Slate law and addressing any obstacles to successful implementation;
  • A pathway for people to learn if their record has been cleared by the automated Clean Slate process, and;
  • Removal of fines and fees as a barrier to mandatory expungement eligibility.
  • After you take this pledge, the Clean Slate Delaware campaign partners will be in touch with next steps on how you can take action to support Delaware's implementation.

    Clean Slate efforts don’t end after the passage of the initial legislation, that’s why continuing to hold Delaware’s leaders accountable for a successful, accessible, and equitable implementation is so important. Our leaders must work together to ensure that Clean Slate's implementation is as smooth as possible for the Delawareans who need that relief — and paves a path for others to join the growing momentum moving Clean Slate policies forward throughout Delaware and the country.

    Delaware’s reputation as the “First State” should motivate us to set a forward-thinking example. Bringing Delaware in line with known best Clean Slate practices is a win for all of us: it is life-changing for individuals, benefits families for generations to come, and has transformative power for our entire state.

    Now’s the time for you to join the growing momentum moving Clean Slate policies forward throughout Delaware and the country. Thank you for standing up for second chances!

    This is the petition message.