Take the Pledge: Defend Every Student’s Right to Learn

Defend Every Student's Right to Learn

Texas politicians are banning books that students rely on to learn about themselves and the world around them. Sign our pledge and we’ll send you our Right to Learn toolkit, as well as a future invitation to join our academy to support your own advocacy.

Texas tries to ban more books than any other state. As a result, schools can’t make certain books — predominantly those discussing issues of race, gender, and sexual orientation — available to students to read, even voluntarily and on their own time.

The First Amendment protects the right to share ideas and encounter new perspectives.

Restricting students' education puts them at a disadvantage to pursue the lives and careers they want. Instead of trying to shield students from reality, we should prepare them for their future.

The ACLU of Texas is already hard at work in the courtroom, at the State Capitol, and in communities defending free speech. But public support is going to make a huge difference.

By adding your name, you’re sending the message that you support students, educators, and every Texan’s fundamental right to learn.

Join us in this critical fight for free speech and equitable education. Take our pledge today and when you do, we'll send you our Right to Learn toolkit directly to your inbox.

We'll also send you a link to our Right to Learn toolkit and you’ll hear first about our brand new academy as soon as it launches.

In the face of continued and coordinated attempts to ban books and censor education on race and gender in our public classrooms – I support our students, our educators, and everyone’s First Amendment right to learn.