Tell Biden: Seeking Asylum is a legal right.
The Biden administration has implemented a policy that will unlawfully deny asylum to people seeking protection at the southern border who don't first wait to apply for asylum in Mexico or other countries they passed through — despite the fact that many of these countries don't have working asylum systems. In doing so, President Biden broke a direct campaign promise.
This new asylum ban is, at its core, Trump’s asylum bans. It will leave the most vulnerable people in much the same position as Trump’s policy did — at risk and unfairly denied the protection of asylum for reasons that have nothing to do with their need for refuge. Adding a mobile app and tinkering with the details of the ban can’t fix its fundamental problems.
The ACLU is actively suing to stop this new new ban, because whether from President Trump or President Biden, these asylum bans are illegal and place people’s lives in grave jeopardy. But we need your voice in this fight: Please tell President Biden to end this asylum ban and uphold his campaign promise to restore the right to seek asylum.