Sign Your Name to Support LEOBOR Reform
Despite widespread support across the state, Senate Bill 149, sponsored by Senator Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman and Representative Kendra Johnson, has stalled for the year – but the fight for increased police accountability and transparency through LEOBOR reform won’t slow down.
With the staggering number of police-involved shootings that occur each year in Delaware, officers must be held accountable to earn trust and protect public safety — but LEOBOR protects officers from accountability and shrouds police misconduct investigations in secrecy. SB 149 aims to amend LEOBOR to increase transparency and accountability. The bill would make police disciplinary records public and enable the creation of community oversight boards with the power to hear and decide police disciplinary matters.
The General Assembly must prioritize passage of SB 149 when the legislative session resumes in January 2022. Help us prepare for the fight to pass SB 149: Sign this petition to show your support!
Learn more about the Delaware: Police Accountability NOW Campaign by visiting our website.