Dear Members of the Red Clay School Board,
Despite best intentions, the presence of police in schools has done more harm than good. There is no clear evidence that school resource officers (SROs) prevent crime among students or thwart armed attacks on schools, but there is strong evidence of the unintended harmful consequences that come with SRO programs, including thrusting students into the criminal justice system and perpetuating racial inequality.
That's why we're asking you to vote "yes" on the proposed resolution to reallocate funds and remove SROs and constables from Red Clay's Schools.
Ultimately, you aren't the ones who will have to deal with the consequences of wherever your vote lands. Those consequences – good or bad – will fall on the students, especially the most vulnerable students in our schools. Since schools with the least funding for mental health resources are often the schools with the largest numbers of historically marginalized students, such as students with disabilities and Black and Brown students, these are the students who are most frequently criminalized. Red Clay has been presented with an opportunity to change that. Will you?
Please vote "yes" on the proposed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor resolution to remove SROs and constables from all Red Clay Schools. It's time to focus on funding what's most important: an investment in our students is an investment in our collective future.
Thank you for your consideration,
Concerned Red Clay Consolidated School District Voters