Congress: Hold CBP Accountable for Inhumane Child Detention
The country is reeling from news of immigrant children held in metal cages, kept hungry, alone and afraid. Babies are being left for days in soiled diapers, with only young children to care for them. And in recent months, at least six children have died in government custody and another child died soon after being released by federal immigration agencies at the border. That’s inexcusable.
That’s why Congress must do whatever it takes to investigate detention sites and obtain up-to-date information on how many children there are and how long they’ve been detained. We must hold CBP accountable for separating children from their family members and keeping them in these inhumane conditions.
Long before the news of detention conditions emerged, CBP already had a heinous track record. We uncovered tens of thousands of pages of evidence documenting widespread physical, sexual, and verbal abuse of children in their custody between 2009 and 2014. It’s up to us to keep up the pressure and make sure these abuses come to light – and that CBP is held accountable.
Sign the petition demanding that Congress investigate CBP detention sites and hold the agency accountable for inhumane child detention.