Arizonans need public health, not longer prison sentences.

Blue and yellow color blocks with handcuffs and prison bars
Blue and yellow color blocks with handcuffs and prison bars

Most recent signers:

The message:

Instead of proposing public health solutions to address the opioid overdose crisis, some lawmakers would rather take people suffering from addiction out of their community and put them behind bars. Senate Bill 1621 would put someone in prison for a minimum of 15 years if they sold or shared drugs with someone who later died. Senate Bill 1725 would lower the threshold amount for fentanyl-related offenses from 200 grams to 9 grams – well below the daily dose of some fentanyl prescriptions. Those who are most likely to be charged under these bills are people who need access to treatment, not prison.

The recipient:

Your state representatives

The impact:

These “War on Drugs” inspired policies will only increase the prison population, cause more harm, and cost more lives. Urge your representatives to vote NO on SB 1621 and SB 1725.