Hands Off Our Passports: Stop Attacking Transgender Americans
From Day 1, the Trump Administration has relentlessly attacked transgender people's basic freedoms. Now Trump's State Department is denying accurate passports to trans, intersex, and nonbinary people.
All of us need accurate and consistent identity documents that reflect who we are. Banning accurate IDs and forcing trans people to out themselves whenever they show an ID will only push trans people out of public life and expose us to discrimination and violence.
Tell the State Department: Everyone deserves accurate passports that match who we are. These attacks on trans, intersex, and nonbinary Americans must be stopped.
Your input matters! It is most impactful to add in your own reasons why the State Department should not ban people from getting passports that match who they are.
If you’re concerned about having your name on record, you can submit comments anonymously on the federal register website: Application For Passport (DS-11), Renewal Application (DS-82), and Replacement, name change, correction (DS-5504).