Tell Legislators to Protect Transgender Community Members

Most recent signers:
HB 121 discriminates against trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming Montanans – effectively banning them from bathrooms and other public facilities.
This legislation is unnecessary and does not address any problems that currently exist in public facilities across Montana. Instead, it promotes stigmatization and discrimination against transgender individuals.
Transgender individuals are part of our community, our families, our workplaces, and our neighborhoods and they, just like everyone else, need to safely access necessary facilities. State government facility bans like HB 121 make transgender people less safe, by increasing the risk of violence and harassment against transgender individuals, while serving no public interest.
Barring transgender people from restrooms and other public facilities, essentially bars them from full participation in school, work, and public space altogether. It is not possible to live safely in the world if you cannot safely use a restroom.
Contact your legislators to encourage them to oppose HB 121.
The recipient:
Your State House Representative