Upcoming Virtual Justice Reform Events (CLE Credit Available)
Reverse Warrants and Digital Dragnets
Thursday, February 6, 12 - 1 PM
VIRTUAL, via Zoom
REGISTRATION CLOSED. Email mbryson@aclu-de.org to register.
Innocent and Incarcerated: How Delaware Can Release Those Wrongly Imprisoned
Thursday, March 13, 12 - 1 PM
VIRTUAL, via Zoom
Join us for a critical discussion on the urgent need to address wrongful convictions in Delaware, what can be done to fight for the release of those wrongly incarcerated, and how our state can take steps towards ending systemic biases and practices that perpetuate racial disparities.
Panelists include:
- Sophia Block, Community Engagement Manager, Innocence Project Delaware
- Jessica Auletta, Director, Case Intake and Investigations, Innocence Project Delaware
- Dwayne Bensing, Legal Director, ACLU of Delaware
Amicus Society members receive free CLE credit for attendance. Admission for attorneys who seek CLE credit but are not Amicus Society members is $50 per CLE event.
Attorneys who attend are eligible for one hour of Continuing Legal Education credit per event.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom attendee link. Zoom event will be recorded.
Are you an attorney, but not an Amicus Society member?
The Amicus Society brings together a network of First State lawyers who are committed to defending our civil rights and civil liberties. Members enjoy insider information and special opportunities to meet and learn from ACLU leaders. Most importantly, they make our work possible through their membership support.
Interested in joining the Amicus Society? Learn more and purchase your membership here.
Reverse Warrants and Digital Dragnets
Thursday, February 6
12-1 p.m.
Innocent and Incarcerated: How Delaware Can Release Those Wrongly Imprisoned
Thursday, March 13
12-1 p.m.
Virtual via Zoom
*To find out if you are in good standing, or for questions about this event, please contact Melissa Bryson, development director, at mbryson@alcu-de.org.