Keep Families Together and Protect TPS Holders


Since the early nineties, our nation has welcomed and assisted people whose countries have been devastated by war and natural disaster through the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program. Today, many TPS holders have established roots in the U.S., supporting their families and contributing to their communities.

In recent years, the Trump administration tried to terminate TPS for six countries and undermine the program altogether, fueling anti-immigrant sentiment and threatening hundreds of thousands of families. But TPS holders fought back and won relief from the courts. Unfortunately, that protection could soon expire.

Now, four years later, over 300,000 people are again at risk of deportation and family separation from the Trump terminations. Unless the Biden administration acts now, the Trump terminations will go into effect for El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua.

To keep families together, the Biden administration must reach a just settlement in the pending Ramos litigation and redesignate El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua for TPS before their designations expire on December 31 of this year.

While TPS holders need more than temporary relief, a just settlement and redesignation would at least provide some protection and peace of mind to the families devastated by Trump’s racist policies.

Take action and tell the Biden administration to do good on our nation’s promise.

Families of TPS holders
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Your Message
Dear Secretary Mayorkas:

I respectfully call on you to take action to protect hundreds of thousands of TPS holders who remain in limbo, now four years after the Trump Administration attempted to end their lawful immigration status. Specifically, I ask you to commit to a just settlement of the Ramos litigation and the redesignation of El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua for TPS before their designations expire on December 31 of this year.

A just settlement should do everything possible to provide TPS holders and their families with stability and mitigate the great injustice inflicted by the Trump administration's racist TPS terminations. While TPS holders need more than temporary relief, a just settlement would at least provide some protection to the hundreds of thousands of families devastated by the Trump administration’s racist TPS terminations.

It is imperative that this administration demonstrate its commitment to TPS holders by arriving at a fair, equitable settlement in the Ramos case and re-designating El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal and Nicaragua for TPS as soon as possible.

I thank you for your time and attention to this important issue.


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