2022 Opinion Survey

Your feedback is extremely important to us. Please help us be more responsive to your interests and needs by completing this brief survey. If you are unsure how to respond or would prefer not to answer a question, you may skip to the next question.

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1. Your continued support helps advance many important ACLU initiatives. Please rate how important these initiatives are to you.

(1 = least important; 5 = most important)

Defending voting rights by challenging voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Fighting for systemic change to achieve racial equality.
Protecting free speech by ensuring a free press, the right to protest, and protection for whistleblowers.
Protecting reproductive rights so individuals can make important personal decisions without political interference.
Defending the constitutionally protected right to due process for immigrants and asylum seekers.
Ensuring LGBTQ people have equal rights and access to employment, housing, restrooms, businesses, and healthcare.
I alreadyI would considerI would not consider
Follow ACLU on social media
Sign ACLU petitions
Call my member of Congress or other officials
Attend civil liberties marches or protests
Volunteer with ACLU or attend a grassroots organizing meeting like People Power

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