Support the ACLU of the District of Columbia
The ACLU defends basic freedoms every day, for every American. Support the ACLU and take a stand against any threat to our constitutional liberties by making a tax-deductible gift to the ACLU of the District of Columbia Foundation today.
Your gift to the ACLU of the District of Columbia Foundation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and supports litigation and civil rights education in the Nation's Capital and across the country. The ACLU receives no government funding and does not charge its clients for legal representation. Our work depends entirely on private donations, foundation grants, bequests and court-awarded legal fees earned in successful cases.
The simplest way to contribute to the ACLU of D.C. is to give online. Donations by mail are also appreciated but may be subject to mail processing delays. You can also reach us directly at development [at] acludc [dot] org or 202-601-4274 to receive our wire transfer information, transfer stock, or make a planned gift.
Give Online
To join our Guardians of Liberty program, select “monthly” when making your gift.
- Need to change your credit card number for your Guardians of Liberty contribution? Call ACLU Donor Services at 212-549-2543. If your monthly membership contribution has lapsed, you can start a new membership.
Make a tax-deductible gift to the ACLU of D.C. Foundation.
Make a gift in honor or in tribute of a friend.
Give by mail
Gifts mailed to us may be delayed by 3-4 weeks. Our address is:
529 14th Street NW,Ste 722,
Washington, D.C. 20045