Tell ICE: Reduce the number of people in detention in New Mexico


In New Mexico, our immigrant detention facilities are notorious centers of abuse and neglect. The facilities are overcrowded with poor access to sanitation. Even in normal times we cannot trust these facilities to care for those held inside. And these are not normal times.

We’ve just received our first reports of detainees testing positive for coronavirus in one of New Mexico’s immigrant detention centers. If we do not take immediate action to release detainees - especially those most vulnerable to the disease - we face disastrous consequences, not just for the detained population, but for the staff and surrounding communities.

Send Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) a message telling them that they must immediately reduce the number of people held in New Mexico immigration detention centers.

Message Recipients: New Mexico ICE Facility Managers

Immigration detention should not be a death sentence.
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Public health officials have been clear: Detention facilities are disaster zones for the spread of COVID-19. Before more people are infected, you must immediately reduce the number of people in New Mexico detention centers, starting with the most vulnerable.

History will judge us on what we did for the most vulnerable during this pandemic. Can I trust you to make decisions that protect the lives of those inside of your facilities as well as within the communities they are located?


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