Voices of Liberty Lobby Day
Join us on Wednesday, March 13 for our fourth annual Voices of Liberty Lobby Day. It's your opportunity to tell your elected officials how important it is to protect the rights of all Missourians. Learn about the legislative process and help us defend civil liberties, as you meet with legislators.
Voices of Liberty Lobby Day
Wednesday, March 13
Missouri State Capitol
201 W Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
We'll provide snacks and transportation from Kansas City and St. Louis.
Strongly consider signing up for one of the lobby day trainings in your area. Knowing what to expect will help you feel more confident and prepared as you advocate for people's rights.
Questions? If you live in St. Louis, Columbia and surrounding areas, contact Alicia Hernández at outreach@aclu-mo.org. Kansas City, Springfield and surrounding areas can contact Justice Gatson at outreachkc@aclu-mo.org.