I am asking the district attorney candidates to pledge that if elected, they will apply an objective standard to determining eligibility to diversion programs and ensure equal access to diversion programs regardless of wealth.
I am asking the district attorney candidates to pledge to voluntarily disclose revenue from all sources, by source, on a yearly basis, if elected.
I am asking the district attorney candidates to pledge that, if elected, they will advocate in the legislature for the elimination of the current court debt system as it makes communities less safe when people commit crimes to pay their court debt.
I am asking the district attorney candidates to pledge that, if elected, when people miss court dates, determine whether they are in government custody and argue that the court not issue a warrant if they are.
I am asking the district attorney candidate to pledge that, if elected, they will gather race-based data within their first year of office.
I am asking the district attorney candidates to pledge that, if elected, they will quarterly share with the public all charging, bail, sentencing, and plea bargaining recommendations made by the office, with demographic information and implement a plan to eliminate any racial or other disparities shown in the data.