Your Ohio Mayor's Courts Story
In 2016, municipalities with mayor's courts issued 1 out of 6 traffic tickets in Ohio. In addition to high rates of ticketing, our research uncovered that some mayor's courts give misleading information to coerce defendants into paying fines, fees, and court costs. People who cannot afford to pay these fines go into debt for years, lose their driver's licenses, and even go to jail because of citations they received in mayor's courts.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio would like to hear from those impacted by mayor's courts. We are looking for stories about 1) people who had to appear in mayor's court because they could not pay their tickets and 2) people who faced problems such as losing their driver's license or going to jail because they could not pay their fines.
Your stories can expose how this unjust system operates. By completing the following survey you take an active role in helping to reform mayor's courts. Please answer the following questions as fully as possible. We will not share any of your information without your consent.
This is not an offer of legal assistance. We are collecting information and will contact you only if we need to follow up with you.
Although we keep our files confidential, submitting cases by email is not a secure means of transmission. If you do not wish to submit your form by email, you may fill out the form below, print it, and mail it to:
ACLU of Ohio
c/o Policy Department
4506 Chester Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103