Clean Slate Kickoff

As of August 1, 2024, Delaware’s Clean Slate automated record clearance process is live! Of the nearly 400,000 people living with a record in Delaware, 290,000 are eligible for a mandatory expungement. Join us to learn more!

At the kickoff event, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Receive consolidated, accessible, and accurate information about record eligibility and how the automated expungement process works.
  • Connect with Clean Slate Delaware campaign partners to learn more about expungement assistance, financial assistance, and other available resources.
  • Enjoy refreshments with campaign partners and other community members.

Clean Slate Kickoff

Saturday, September 7, 2 - 6 p.m.

LJ's Playpen, Wilmington

Visit to learn more.

For questions, contact Mike Bartley at (267)-338-9529.

* indicates required field

Contact Information