Support the ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts

The ACLU of Massachusetts relies on your support as we continue to pursue justice and liberty in the courts, in the legislature, and in our communities. Gifts to the ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts will be gratefully received in any amount.

ACLU of Massachusetts receives no government funding and never charges its clients for legal representation. Its existence depends entirely on private donations, foundation grants, court-awarded legal fees from successful cases and bequests.

If you would prefer making your generous gift via check, please send a check written out to “The ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts” at One Center Plaza, Suite 850, Boston, MA 02108. Please email with any questions. Thank you!

To access the 2021 Action Report, please visit

Action Report

The ACLU is comprised of two organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation. Contributions to ACLU foundation are tax deductible for charitable purposes, while ACLU membership dues are not. [ ? ]

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Minimum payment $5.00.
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