Become an ACLU-SDIC NextGen donor today!

Take an active role in the fight for civil rights as a member of ACLU-SDIC NextGen with a contribution to the ACLU-SDIC that is meaningful to you. 100% of your donation goes directly to the ACLU.

ACLU-SDIC NextGen is a peer-led, peer-run community of volunteers, including emerging leaders, community activists and young professionals. NextGen members meet for quarterly programs and community actions.

There are no dues or fees to join ACLU-SDIC NextGen. However, because our members are instrumental in raising critical funds needed to support the work of the ACLU-SDIC, we do encourage them to become proud ACLU donors.

Please consider making your contribution below. You can also make a tax-deductible gift to the ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties or become a monthly donor. For more information about how to give, please contact us at

Your contribution is an investment in the future of the ACLU-SDIC, and in its commitment to win the fight for education equity, reproductive justice, immigrants’ rights, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, criminal legal reform, and more!

For questions about ACLU-SDIC NextGen, please contact the NextGen leadership team at

The ACLU-SDIC is comprised of two organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego & Imperial Counties and the ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Contributions to the ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties are tax-deductible for charitable purposes, while membership dues, gifts to ACLU-SDIC NextGen and gifts to the American Civil Liberties Union are not.

Contributions made on this page are not tax‐deductible.

* indicates required field
Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
Your Information
ACLU-SDIC NextGen is run by a volunteer committee of supporters and activists. Communications about NextGen programs and opportunities may come from outside of the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties. Do you agree to be contacted directly by ACLU-SDIC NextGen leaders?
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