Fund for the East Ramapo Central School District – Lobby Day in Albany, May 7, 2024

The East Ramapo Central School District in suburban Rockland County, forty miles north of New York City, was once home to thriving and diverse public schools that attracted families from surrounding areas. Today, after more than a decade of local malfeasance and mismanagement, and state dereliction, it is a beleaguered and broken district. It has become an extreme example of systematic racism and education inequity. It has become an extreme example of systemic racism and educational inequity. It is time for the state, which is responsible for educating all of the students in the state, to intervene. Public school parents are organizing and we have developed a specific set of demands for the state to address the crisis. The growing pressure from parents brought Chancellor Young and Regent Wills to the district to listen to public school parents and 500 people gathered. State legislators are taking notice and we will be bringing our voices directly to them in Albany in April.

Your donations will make it possible for us to bring every parent who is available to Albany to meet with legislators. Any contributions made here will only be used for the East Ramapo Central School District Lobby Day on May 7, 2024, paying for transportation, food, etc. Thank you for your support!

The East Ramapo Central School District in suburban Rockland County, forty miles north of New York City, was once home to thriving and diverse public schools that attracted families from surrounding areas. Today, after more than a decade of local malfeasance and mismanagement, and state dereliction, it is a beleaguered and broken district. It has become an example of systemic racism and educational inequity. It is time for the state, which is responsible for educating all of the students in the state, to interveneve. Public school parents are organizing and we have developed a specific set of demands for the state to address the crisis. The growing pressure from parents brought Chancellor Young and Regent Wills to the district to listen to public school parents and 500 people gathered. State legislators are taking notice and we will be bringing our voices directly to them in Albany in April. 

Your donations will make it possible for us to bring every parent who is available to Albany to meet with legislators. Any contributions made here will only be used for the East Ramapo Central School District Lobby Day on May 7, 2024, paying for transportation, food, etc. Thank you for your support!

The ACLU is comprised of two organizations, the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation. Contributions to ACLU foundation are tax deductible for charitable purposes, while ACLU membership dues are not. [ ? ]

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Minimum payment $5.00.
Minimum payment $5.00.
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